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Well I see it has been far too long my friends. Almost a year and a half since I have posted. It’s funny how when God got really loud, I became quiet. I’m okay with that. You see, about two years ago during separate prayer times, bible reading and reflection Matt and I both heard  from God…. MOVE.  We had no idea at the time what this meant, so we prayed through that word until God made it clear. We weren’t sure at the time what exactly God wanted  to move. Would we move from one home to another in the same area? Would we “move” our homeschooling into a different direction? Would we move spiritually?  Would God move us to a different Church to serve in?  The answer ended up being yes….to all of it and more.

God began to stir our hearts and we found ourselves restless. We prayed, man we prayed for that restlessness to go away unless it was from God. Then God began to weave into motion this crazy scary, beautiful , there is no way we could have even thought this up ourselves journey! There are days we wake up and I think to myself, I can’t believe we actually did that! We actually stepped out in faith more than ever before and moved! moved everything! We moved the way we do ministry, we moved churches and we bought this crazy funky house that seems to be made specifically for our family and our life that God has crafted.

This was a hard year folks! We left a house that we made a home for six years. Six years of joy, community, friendships and some of the deepest heartaches I have ever felt.  Sometimes it can be really hard to move forward when you are comfortable,  and we  were so very comfortable.

I was sure God was leading us to some obscure unknown place when I heard those words “You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail” . I know, super cliche right?  Did every christian just cling to those words for a time there? Because it feels like so many of us did. And yet I still get a little choked up when I15235523_10154839079033987_6693618249217579940_o hear them, or goodness when I sing them. “Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders, Let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me” …..and then He called us back home!

He called us back to the very place that we left six years prior. To a place where we grew spiritually and got our feet wet in ministry. Where we had dear friends, mentors and family. Wait, this wasn’t obscure or unknown. This was safe. And yet, it’s not safe. We are known of here, but not known. Because in six years so much has changed and God is leading and doing such crazy cool things and I don’t want to miss any of it because it looks too safe or familiar.

So, I promise to catch you up. To share with you the amazing ways in which we have seen God work, and yes I will also give you updates on our home. It’s called the dwelling place and that is a whole different story of God’s hand that will come in another post, or a few of them!  For now, we are still here. Trusting in our Savior to lead us wherever He calls.


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